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Author: peterryan

Cubs Narrow Boating

Some of the Thursday Cubs have been away for the weekend on the Grand Union Canal.Getting chance to steer the boat, along with locking and…

Cubs Camp at The Hall

Thursday Cubs have been camping in tents pitched in the grounds of the scout hall for the weekend along with exciting activities like cardboard box…

Autumn Pack Holiday

Thursday Cubs are getting into the seasonal spirit with an autumnal weekend at the Scout Hall with shelter building, leaf & stick modelling together with…

Cubs on Camp in Glasbury

Thursday cubs have been away in Glasbury on Wye with an action filled weekend of activities and fun. Saturday included climbing and high ropes, building…

Cubs Narrow Boating

  Both Thursday Cubs and Monday Cubs have been away on Narrow boating weekends. Both packs have taken a select group of cubs away on…

Cubs on Brownsea Island

Thursday Cubs recently took a camp on Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour, the home of scoutingĀ and had an unforgettable experience. Saturday morning involved kayaking and…